Monday, April 8, 2013

Not training a dolphin with broccoli

He had his own personal "language" of turn ons.  I had to find them If I wanted to communicate pleasure in a language his brain would understand.
You can not train a dolphin by treating him with broccoli.
I am not going to throw a bunch of lettuce and carrots to reward a dog.  I can't dress just for me and expect to command his attention. I can not train a man by sticking only to what I am completely comfortable with and what I like.  
I needed to have the treats he liked. 
I didn't judge what got him turned on I just systematically discovered what did turn him on and linked them to positive on behavior. I would get in the door by taking advantage of what was all ready programmed there. Since he had all ready been wired to some extent I would have to get in by building on that  previous programming. II had to discover what he was programmed to like so i could use those as rewards. Then I could gradually shift him over to where I wanted him.  I had a plan to make new "turn ons" through "stretching" (more on that later) He was trained by me by using his current existing turn ons. I carefully tried different things and noted his reaction to discover them.  I then used what appealed to him to develop the behavior I wanted to bring out.  

I had to be smart enough to appeal to his turn ons instead of my own.
Finding the hidden turn ons:

Getting him talking about what turned him on was surprisingly easy. Social media, email and texting  made it quick and painless. I was always sending him text emails and posts to see what he was interested in. I had a large list of all kinds of things that I went through. It was a actual written list. I researched it on the Internet. Googling "mens fantasies" or "men's turn ons" etc will give you quite a large list.  Some I really didn't want to mess with at all but I had become serious about finding his buttons. I was going to try almost all of them, but not all. For instance "three ways" were on the top of some of the mens fantasy lists. That may be for you but it was not going to happen with me. My mans mine and no one else's. I thought it was dangerous and stupid. There were also strange and unusual things on the list. For instance some people like to pretend they are babies. I could not imagine that.  Thankfully my man thought it was ridiculous also. I texted him with web site forum where people talked about it seriously. He thought it was quite funny.  I was glad to have dodged a bullet on that one. I could have played it out but was thankful he was not wired that way.  I went through the list carefully probing him with texts emails and posts to his facebook. When I got any interest at all I put it on the list to test out. Some things I tested were legitimate turn ons for him and some were on that gray area where it seemed he was not totally turned off but not quite into them.  I would use those to to stretch him. (more on stretching later)   I tested everything I thought might be a way "in" to his mind and I could not scratch anything off the list unless it was just completely out of the question. I had to have a open mind. I could put up with a lot of things and grit my teeth to get at his kinks. It wasn't about me anyway. When found out one that excited him I had him I put it in my bag of tricks and tried to search out more. I would try nearly anything. If he wanted to have sex while I dressed in clown suit with big red shoes I would do it because I was playing to win. 

All his turn ons that specifically excite him are now mine to use for my families advantage. I still don’t know why some of them work I only that they do work. He can’t figure out why I cry at romantic movies. We are wired differently. I accept that. His “turns ons” are sometimes “turn offs” for me. I can put up with them and eventually they don't bother me.  Because the competition for his attention is so fierce I am not going to let anything that I can use to give him pleasure out of my toolbox. When you are painting with pleasure on his mind do you really want to leave out say, red, yellow and orange? To paint only with blues and greens?  Why not use all the colors that appeal to him? I have to stand in line to see the banker. I have to make a long drive to go to work. I do those things I don’t like because I am after the reward for doing them. No one likes standing in line but we do it.  I am ruthless when it comes to touching his pleasure buttons and am willing to put what I like aside to be able to push them. I am going to make a impression.  Men like roller coasters more than merry go rounds. That means wild, that means strange, and that means something he won’t forget. It needs to be different and it needs to vary constantly. I never want to get into a routine. All of HIS desires, all met by me, all of it linked to good behavior through specific timing and repetition. No one is going to offer him something in the outside world he can’t get from me. 

   Those secret ones are the ones I am really after! 
The ones he won't admit to me. They can make me his deep dark fantasy and separate me from all other women. We share a secret. His secret. I become irreplaceable. One I had a "deep dark kinky list" I worked though them through experimentation. I would send him a pic or a forum post about it and get his reaction. I found that to get a real answer alcohol and and getting him in excited state would get the truth out of him. (Where are truth drugs when you need them?) Does he seemed cool with his words but his erection said otherwise I wouldn't give up on it I would use it to stretch him with it (more on stretching later)  Why does he like it I do not know, but dolphins like stinky dead fish. It makes them jump through hoops. Who am I to judge? Hold your nose and throw the dolphin a fish! If I am going to keep him dazzled I must change it up and often. Once I had him trained though I got all my distress and then some. In fact now I get whatever I want when I want es anyone know where to get them ? as often as I want. Because I went through the hard part of making friends with his brain through his pre-programmed kink and desires I have a open door.  Knowing these secret pleasure spots has opened  doors to his obedience. It has put me far beyond the competition. A few of the things that I used to be wary of now become delightful for me.  There are a few things I have to soldier through. It really wasn't all that hard and now I have a very well behaved good man. I have opened plenty of hidden doors as well.  I would have never guessed some of them were there. There is no one on earth that can give him all the things he likes just the way I can. No one can compete with me.  I do them now not just out of trying to get him to do what I want him to do,  I really do them out of love.

Whatever turns him on it all comes down to one principle. Linking his good behavior to pleasures and then repeating the process. It is simple applied. psychology. Training men is like almost like training any other mammal. I say almost because for instance, I am not fucking a dolphin any time soon. Men are helpless when a woman starts to use her mind and body. History is filled with men throwing away everything because of a woman's charms all the way back to Adam and eve. If you watch the evening news you will see it from time to time.  They can’t help it because women are hardwired into their brain. A heterosexual man has a built in program that runs on my femininity. No other creature of any other distraction can compete with me and my feminine “man bending” powers.  I give specific examples and stories on my life and experiences. Some of it may be quite weird to you but it was weird once to me too. Some maybe even repulsive to some of you but please keep a open mind. What gets my man excited may not get yours excited. What gets him excited may not Get me excited either. Some may turn me off. I don't care about all that I want to find his itch and scratch it. Every man is different so it is important to figure out what pushes his buttons.